The Reformers’ Readings


To the nominal Christian who skims over his ‘Bible’ a few times a year, if that, and looks at a couple of passage; I guess to him there’s no big difference from an old Protestant Bible and a new Protestant ‘Bible’ (a masked Roman Catholic unholy bible rather).  But to us who are truly born-again by the words of the Lord Jesus Christ’s Gospel (see James 1:18; 1 Pet. 1:23-25), and live by His Words (see Matt. 4:4; Luke 4:4)—to us the difference between these two ‘sets’ of Bibles is night and day, death and life, darkness and light, unclean and clean, profane and holy, polluted and pure, corrupt and incorrupt.


How did ‘new’ Protestants become so antagonistic against old Protestants?  As if old Protestants were narrow-minded, uneducated bigots? No, no, no!  Wisdom is justified of her children.  New Protestants would not understand old Protestants, because new Protestants don’t know the Truth.  The old-fashioned Christianity of their fathers is so foreign to them that they hate it.  Wow.  That’s a shocking statement but it’s true and it confirms the Lord Jesus Christ’s and the apostles’ predictions about latter day apostasy.


New Protestants are proud and presumptuous.  There’s going to come a day when they’ll have to bear their shame for underestimating the faith, fortitude, wisdom, and strength of the Reformers.  There’s going to come a day when new Protestants are going to realize their ‘wisdom’ is vanity; and the Reformers they despised will shine beyond them as far as the sun exceeds the moon.  Old Protestants would see new Protestant as nothing more than closet Roman Catholics if they were around today.


New Protestants, it seems, have adopted a Darwinian, evolutionary mind state—as if they’ve advanced so much further than their forefathers that their Christian beliefs are now ‘outdated’ or ‘irrelevant’.  Let me tell you, that’s wrong, wrong, wrong!  Truth is eternal.  Truth is immutability.  What was true during the Reformation, was also true long before the Reformation, and will always be true.  It’s a grave mistake to abandon our forefathers who wrought such magnificent exploits in the Holy Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.  Don’t forget, we’re beneficiaries of their labours (see John 4:38), and ungratefulness is a sure sign of infidelity.


¶ The Pilgrims are another example why the KJB is the right Holy Bible.  Though they came to the new world with the Geneva Bible, the Geneva Bible comes from the same line of Anglican TR-based Reformation Bibles as the KJV.  In fact, the two Bibles are very similar.  And the Geneva was part of the basis the 1611 translators used.  However, there’s a vast difference between the Geneva and King James Bibles verses modern versions which represent the corrupt, Arian, abbreviated, Dark Age Roman Catholick text found in Jerome’s Latin Vulgate, the Vaticanus (B) ms, and the Jesuit Rheims 1582.  When we say there are differences between the Geneva and King James, we’re talking about slight rendering discrepancies, NOT the same kind of differences between a KJV and a NASV for example—where hundreds and thousands of words, phrases, and verses have been: either altered, deleted, or rearranged.  That’s comparing two apples (Geneva and King James) verses comparing apples and oranges (KJV and new versions).  Speaking of fruit, keep in mind the Lord Jesus Christ blessed the entire Protestant Reformation (while Europeans broke away from the darkness of popish tradition into “the light of the glorious gospel of Christ” [2 Cor. 4:4]). (see Matt. 7:16-20)  What I’m I talking about?  The Wasps and the Bibles they read, believed, and preached.  This was the evangelistic spirit which lead the Pilgrims to the new world.  This is what established Protestantism in colonial America—with the King James Bible—and the most wide-spread evangelist movement (see Matt. 24:14, 35) to ever take place (the Great Awakening [1700’s–1800’s]).  During the greatest period of evangelistic growth, missionary movements, and the establishment of Sunday schools—did God do it done with the curtailed readings of the 1582 Jesuit Rheims Dark Age bible?  Or was it done with the fuller readings of the King James Bible?  It was done with the 1611 King James Bible and the Holy Spirit AUTHORISED it.  Obviously God bore witness to the KJV because it yielded righteous fruit—holiness, soul-winning, pre-millennial prophetical understanding, and most importantly Christ-exaltation.  No modern version can claim that.  All they can claim is the opposites: the worst time of Christian apostasy the Church has ever seen (see 2 Thess. 2), Biblical/prophetical illiteracy and ignorance (see Amos 8:11) equal to the Medieval period, the worse time of moral decay in America, England, and Europe! [Note: that’s decay not revival.]  Then there are America’s millions of abortions. (Roe vs. Wade [the same year the NIV was released.])  Government sponsored lottery, alcohol, and tobacco.  The most ungodly, filthy cell phones, internet websites, blaspheming movies, TV, video games, music, and the list goes on and on.  This is the fruit of 220 English versions since 1881 intended to subvert and supercede the AV 1611.  The thesis in Riplinger’s ‘New Age Versions’ is correct: the new versions have indeed created a revival—an occult revival.  This is because all of these versions or perversions all commonly share an Origenian origin: which the Reformation/Antiochian Bibles do not.  The new versions are so antichrist (denying the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ [see 2 Pet. 2:1; Jude 4; 2 John 7]) and spiritually depraved, that they match the JWs’ NWT!  But you’re going to ridicule the KJV?  And embrace a NIV instead?  You’re insane.  You’re the person described in Proverbs 13:13, 17:15.


Tyndale, Cranmer, Rogers, Luther, Bois, et al. all rejected the readings modern ‘bible’ publishers are now printing.  How’d they do that if ‘new discoveries have shed light on textual complications’ (modern scholars referring to B and Aleph)?  Because those ‘new discoveries’ are OLD corrupt readings which were in Jerome’s Vulgate and the Rheims 1582; they’ve just simply been revamped, reintroduced, and repackaged by apostates and ecumenists.  How can I prove this?  Because the Reformers’ Bible do not match B, Aleph, Westcott and Hort, Nestle, NIV, NWT, Douay-Rheims, LB, NLT, RSV, etc.  These men [Protestant Reformers] were champions for Jesus Christ, therefore the word of God obviously worked effectually in them (see 1 Thess. 2:13; Philem. 6); if it had not, then they would have never done what they had done.  Quote, “...These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also” (Acts 17:6).  To say the word of God (viz. God’s words) worked in them in such a fraudulent and falsified condition (as modern scholars would have us believe) is a lie of the devil.


Or the next slanderous (see Rev. 12:10) innuendo is that the Reformers’ Bibles were insufficient.  Not according to 2 Timothy 3:15-16.  These men were “throughly furnished”.  This is evident by examining the fruit of their ministries and the Protestant (5 Solas) movement.  However, on the contrary we find that those who malign the Protestant Bibles of the English Reformation prove themselves to be hypocrites.  Why?  Because the manuscripts and versions they favour are depleted; not the Textus Receptus.  The Textus Receptus always presents the fuller and complete Scriptures; while the Alexandrian text represent the corrupt and deplete Arian ‘bibles’.


Lesson?  Get you a 1611 King’s copy (see Deut. 17:18; Ecc. 8:4) of the Holy Scriptures; that way you won’t be removing the old landmark (see Prov. 22:28, 23:10) of the holy Protestant forefathers for a piece of rotten cheese.